Q: Is there any incompatable mods with this mod?
A: At this time 29/04/2024 we are unaware of any incompatable mods with this mod. Have you come accross a mod thats incompatable? Please contact us via support@hamster-sys.com or join our discord and create a ticket.
Q: How do I submit a feature request or a bug report?
A: We ask you to submit them on our github page, Allowing us to regularly seeing them and not getting lost in chat messages, You can find our github here
Q: Hey its been X number of months since your last update whens the next one?
A: We understand the questions of when things come into place on this mod, But please understand we are a team of 2 people with personal lives, We want to do as much updates as possible but it takes us awhile especially with doing mod updates from 1.7.10 version of HBM since we do have to recode and 1.12.2 is not the easist version to work with.
Q: How do I build X in your HBM:HR Mod?
A: We don’t have a wiki finalised/public at this time; However we are tryign our best to make tutorial videos on our YouTube page. Which you can find here. If the item/build is not on our page please let us know in one of our YouTube videos so we can ge that tutorial made for you!